Wednesday, May 24, 2006



PART 1: Well, if you see my previous post about the dead coon in my yard, which occurred a couple of weeks ago, you know that the boys, DS Joey and his friend Evan, *took care* of the disposal of said carcass.

PART 2: Yesterday, my neighbors, Curfmans, came over to help till up our garden, since their son Mike had been unable to fix our tiller and it took quite the effort to get it started and keep it going, so Bob and Bertha came and used our tiller and we got it done. It was hot out yesterday and I kept smelling something . . . something, dead. It was baking in the sun, whatever it was.

PART 3: I got up earlier and needed to water the grass we are trying to grow around the cistern and my morning glories and various other pots of flowers that I have started around front. The water is out back, where the cistern is and well, let's just say the dead coon is back. OMG what a smell when you step out the back door. And to top it off, the dogs have ROLLED on it, so they are banned from the house.

I am not touching this sticking mess. By the time that Joey gets home from school, after baking in 80 degree weather (the coon) is going to smell even worse. Maybe this time, he will learn what PROPER disposal is . . . BURYING the carcass, not just taking the shovel and heaving said dead animal over the hill, where the dogs find it two weeks later and bring it back home.


At Wednesday, May 24, 2006 12:12:00 PM, Blogger Whimsical Ranter said...

OMG that is sooooooo gross. I was eating breakfast when I read that.


At Thursday, May 25, 2006 9:05:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

LMAO, sorry. Hope you kept it all down.


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