Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Texas Psychotic

I just watched Rusty Yates talk about the retrial of his wife, Andrea, in the deaths of their five children. He was speaking about the judge not allowing certain evidence into the trial, one significant piece of evidence not presented was that Andrea Yates was taken off Halydol three different times while in jail and all three times she became psychotic and that at the time of the murders she was psychotic, which is why she should have been and was found not guilty by reason of insanity today. Um, yeah, I think she was too.

From my understanding of what transpired, she had been left alone for 15 minutes and drowned her 5 children. Rusty Yates and his mother never left her alone with the children because of her "mental state". One of them was always there. Rusty's mother would come over and Rusty would go to work. Rusty would come home and his mother would return home.

Yeah, she was psychotic alright . . . she was psychotic that day, the day before, the day before that and so on . . . . and no one thought that maybe she needed help? I mean, if the family KNEW enough to not leave her alone with the children, then they had a helping hand in the deaths of all 5 of those sweet, beautiful children who were savagely drowned at the hands of their psychotic mother.

Yeah, she was psychotic alright and her family allowed her to fall deeper and deeper into a dark pit and stood by watching while not helping her. That woman should have been hospitalized in an institution. Not "therapy" or "seeing" someone in a doctor's office . . . she needed to be hospitalized in order to determine why her mental state was so terribly altered. Instead, there are five children that have missed five birthdays (that's 25 birthday parties), school kids that never got to perform in plays, a baby and toddlers that never made it to Kindergarten, that never learned to ride a bike and never got to play catch.

Don't get me wrong, I am not justifying the verdict or her actions. I am just saying that it could have been prevented had the family vigilantly sought help for her.

New York Psychotic(s)

In other revolting, repulsive news a horse's head was found in an Orange County (NY) councilwoman's pool this morning. Besides being a grisly sight to behold, I am sure it is pretty scary to her and a horrendous thing to do to an animal. I feel sorry for that woman but even more sorry for the beautiful animal that was sacrificed for this unspeakable act committed by someone that is so obviously disturbed. I hope the police find the person responsible before they kill someone . . . we have seen what happens when those who mutilate animals are not caught and punished . . .

NEWS FROM WV . . . .

In nicer news, I haven't done any cleaning or moving today. I just watered my plants after returning from physical therapy and REGISTERING FOR MY CLASSES AT WVU-P!!!!!

I am scheduled to take CS 101 (which should be relatively easy for me, although it is required because the CS 111 that I took in 1993 is sorta obsolete and General Business, which is a prerequisite class for some others that I will be taking and should also be relatively easy if I can get into the class that is for the full semester. If no spaces become available, I will be forced to take the class in a five-week session that meets on Saturdays. UGH. I hate cramming. Now I just have some more paperwork to take care of to get some grant money . . .


At Tuesday, August 01, 2006 2:32:00 AM, Blogger The (real) Stepford Wives said...

No kidding she was insane and it's tragic that her [then] husband wasn't charged with anything. It's a man's world.


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