Friday, September 11, 2009


This morning, something possesed me to walk from Kim's to Mom's. It's three miles. Mom lives on top of a hill as does Kim and thankfully, it was pretty flat and no traffic on Rt 21 this AM. As always though, I have my adventures with the freakin' wildlife.

As soon as I left Kim's driveway and started meandering along the roadway, checking the sides of the road, I saw something lying against the trees lining the creek bank and realized it was a COON the size of Cleo, Kim's dog! THEN I REALIZED IT WAS STILL BREATHING AND I RUSHED TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ROAD QUICKLY! It was a good 50 pounder.

Then, as I was walking up the hill towards Mom's a HAWK nearly landed on me and didn't realize I was there for several seconds while I looked at it awe as it spanned it's wings out round this tree trunk like it was protecting or coveting something then suddenly took off. I went over and looked but did not see anything.

Later this evening, as I am watering all the plants in my yard, trying as best as I can to save them in what can only be described as the most dry summer/fall that I can remember . . . huge cracks running thru my yard, my flower beds and fields, the water sometimes just drains into the crevices and I can only hope that my roots are somewhere in the deep rececesses of those, I am startled by what could only be some BOBWHITES that were raised by someone and released into the wild. I followed them around my flower beds for 1/2 an hour, sometimes just sitting on a rock while they pecked the ground around me. I had the most amazing experience and could only capture it on my cell phone, my crappy samsung, which cannot export photos.


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