Wednesday, September 27, 2006


the E.coli that crippled the spinich industry? Just a random thought from me to you. It would be a hell of a conspiracy theory though, huh???

And if illegals provide us with fresh produce for cheap prices, then why the hell did tomatoes go from $14/case to $38/case in less than a week???? The growing season is not yet over . . .

**For Dan who was considering sending out a search party for moi, thanks for missing me.**

Finally for today, for our friend Jeff over at Summit Fever . . . .the first is a contestant for the ugliest dog contest. Last year's winner died, so there will be a new champion crowned this year. The rest was from an email to me from my cousin Sue about why dogs bite people. There is your explanation Jeff, although, you may have not been looking for one . . . . or it could be that you just invite trouble from the "biters" as us dog-lovers refer to them . . . .

Ugly Dog Contestant





At Wednesday, September 27, 2006 7:37:00 PM, Blogger Jeff C. said...

lol...I think people who dress their dogs up should be put down! I may not like dogs but I don't like seeing them humiliated either.

I read about the ugliest dog in the world comp a while ago and that is one ugly dog. Ever seen a hairless cat up close? A friend had's not much 'cuter'.


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