Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Let me count all the dead freaking animals.

Damn. You know cold weather is just around the corner when you start seeing dead deer all over the Interstate AND Route 21 . . . at least it isn't extremely hot so the dead deer bloat up all huge and smell so bad that you have to pull over and puke!

Fresh kills are kinda nasty still . . . especially when you can still smell the blood and shit (literally) along with guts and various body parts that are scattered down a 30 ft stretch of the Interstate. UGH. Thank god I can quickly dispel these images from my head. Well, okay, I guess I can't dispel them if I can still describe them in such detail.
Anyhow, the deer are on the move for some reason, surely not rut aleady . . . we haven't even had a frost . . . but that is when the road kills get REALLY bad!

If that is not bad enough, this poor ass squirrel in town got his ass busted in the middle of a residental neighborhood while carrying a walnut back to his secret spot. There he lay in the middle of the road with the walnut just inches away from his mouth. Dumb ass city squirrels. I mean, the ones out here have to dodge cars traveling on the two-lane at rates exceeding 55mph and somehow, I have only seen 5 of those dummies that froze and ended up on someone's supper table.

Anyhow, the last poor squirrel that I have to talk about is the unfortunate huge ass red squirrel that chose to darken our property with his presence. He must not have been real bright because the dogs got him pretty quickly. Probably 5 minutes or so. I have seen Bonnie wait for 12 HOURS on squirrel to catch them. Anyhow, it was nice of Bonnie and Emmy to take it to Mom's instead of just crossing the road to my house. Poor old Badger was waiting for the girls to serve him his first kill of the season. He was crunching and tearing the critters front leg off the last time I saw. At least it's not on my end of the farm where it would end up on my porch or yard or possibly my CAR if I left the window rolled down accidently . . .


At Sunday, October 15, 2006 1:28:00 PM, Blogger Old Man Crowder said...

Here's something I never thought I'd hear myself saying:

"What a great post about roadkill!"

And the world continues to turn...


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