Tuesday, March 29, 2011


as we can well see, i had enough gas to make it back home in my own car and not steal kim's; nor get stuck there as i had posted around earlier. as you can tell from the time of my post, it was 10:00; the time Rockport store closes, ergo, couldn't put gas in the car, chancy making it HOME and certainly not to MINERAL WELLS! Stephanie's copy of her Dad's obituary that her Aunt had a copy of for her got tossed somehow. So when I told her I had copy of the Sunday paper while explaining my newpaper ordeal (WTF I will explain the Newguy WHUCKHEAD) in the Explorer, rec'd it with my Monday paper, on Monday but rec'd a paper box after receving the paper fora year. I got the box on Sunday morning, which laid in my yard in the mud, nothing in it. Annnnyyyhooo it was at Kim's house, along with Contact Paper, since I had recently lost all my shit in my wallet when Charleigh and myself somehow LOST said wallet between her having it in her hand and me unloading $74 worth of items, starting the car, putting the cart away, and making sure she was fastened in as she has just started being able to to this herself in my car . . . (DEEP EXASPARATING GASP for LAST BREATH of LIFE, BeCAUSE THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING OF THE END) and had been trying all day to laminate or contact paper all the paper shit that i carry in my wallet (mostly while punkin ate 3 nuggets and most of her fries at BK playground with really no one to play with but a 3 yo boy for about 30 and a 2 yo girl for about 3 minutes cuz her grandma said "TWO!" and that's ALL and then they was going SHOPPING and the other kid left with HIS grandma to go to KMART to get HIM a toy. YEAH lucky me. Eoungh money to buy oil, pay to get it changed (already had bought the filter) and put some gas in it tomorrow. And gas of course to get to the store in the AM. No money for toys. ANYHOOOOOOOOOOO i got sidetracked MAKING SURE THAT I DO ONE G*!DAM$Ed THING GOOD FOR SOMEONE. See something important thru. I missed her call. Didn't call back cuz i was wallowing in my own self-pity. I need to be a better person. the store closed, my mom saw my post and now i am well, a waste of life.


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