Monday, December 18, 2006


SAN FRANCISCO - In the living room, the group gathers to share inspirational stories about the joy of finding just the right previously owned shower curtain. To the uninitiated, these people appear almost normal, at least in a San Francisco kind of way. But upon closer inspection, you see it: Nothing in this house, nothing on their bodies, none of their products -- nothing is new. Everything is used.

For these people, recycling wasn't enough. Composting wasn't a challenge anymore. No, they wanted much more of much less.

Attention holiday shoppers! These people haven't bought anything new in 352 days -- and counting. These 10 friends vowed last year not to purchase a single new thing in 2006 -- except food, the bare necessities for health and safety (toilet paper, brake fluid) and, thankfully, underwear, and maybe socks (they're still debating whether new socks are okay).


Are these people idiots? Only used things?? Debating on the socks?? If they were really trying to prove a point, they would have GROWN their own food too . . . . but that's probably too much of a bother for these middle-class people who have decided to strike against capitalism . . . and are probably driving their $30,000 hybrids to work at the tech company that pays them every week . . . .

I still think that California needs to be on its own planet . . . .they could call it Pelosi's World.


At Thursday, January 04, 2007 11:32:00 PM, Blogger Whimsical Ranter said...

Did you know that if California did want to leave the US and form it's own country it would still be 9th most powerful country?

Did you know that you can make 200K a year in San Francisco and still not be able to afford a house? A median priced home is 700K.

Did you also know that only 10 percent of the population in the San Franciso bay area can afford to buy a condo/house?

Did you know that San Francisco is crying for people to work in the service industries? When people can't afford to live somewhere, it's hard to find people to flip burgers.

Did you know that most tech companies are NOT located in SF? They're spread out around the whole bay area with a glut in San Jose? Most have such a high turnover rate that average person only stays less than a year before deciding they can't afford it.

Did you know that on the freeway it can take an hour plus to go less than 20 miles because of the traffic. At all hours of the day.

Finally, did you know that most new construction homes sit on painfully small lots with no backyard at all.

Did you also know that a whopping 50 percent of Bay Area homeowners are in danger of losing their homes because of the zero percent mortages? These are people still making upwards of 100K a year.

Finally did you know that if California goes into even a mild recession the rest of country follows, and then the world?


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