Saturday, September 06, 2008


Has it been so long that I have blogged that they actually added new colors to the fonts? Does anyone wonder where I have been? Well, its a too long and too sad right now to talk about but right now Joey is in college at Fairmont, studying Aviation Engineering, Mom just had a week's vacation (if you could call it that . . . wasn't really a vacation for her), I have an MRI on Monday, Punkin can pretty much count to 10 on her own. Well, she leaves out 1 most of the time, but that's still pretty good for not quite being 3 yet. Mom nor I can find either of our chargers and haven't been really good at taking her pictures lately but here are a few from earlier this spring: one was taken at my friend Lonnie's lake when I took her there fishing (although, she didn't fish, just played and I helped landscape his lake . . . it is a pay lake he just opened this spring) and the other is beside his tractor he had just purchased to mow around the lake and fields there.

At present, I am working on trying to be my own paralegal again. I finally am tired of being nice since it has cost me my mother her left arm (BTW, she IS left-handed) to send Joey to school, even with the money Daddy left him, so I am going after Sam with everything I can. If it ends up that I have to file a civil suit, I may even do that. I am hoping to have him thrown in jail and have them let him out to go to work and he can return to lock up for the night and give them his tip money to send in for his back support. Maybe 45 days of that will get the point across. I am really not sure at this point if they can do it since they issued a judgement and there is not an order in place since Joey is 18. HOWEVER, I filed for an expediated modification for child support to be reinstated since he is in school full-time, so, a hearing should be held within 20 days. They are saying they can't take all of his paycheck cause "Gosh, they have to leave him SOMETHING to live on! I mean, they can only give me half of his check"

So that is why last week, I received $10.28, for TWO weeks! So he is able to live on the other $10.28 I suppose?!?!? HE FUCKING WAITS TABLES!!! HE's TAKING HOME $60.00 a night. Don't tell me he couldn't take $10 out of his pocket and send a money order into the BCSE 5 nights a week and make his fucking $200 child support payment a month. Then he wouldn't owe (as of June 30, 2008) $31,231.43. Yeah and that was after the State kept his $420.50 Federal Tax Return although he has owed me arrearages since fucking 1993 and has only owed them arrearages since I injured my back in 2005 and I had to collect a few welfare checks. He owes me $25,000 and them $6,000. WTF???? And people wonder why I am crazy and angry. I guess I let it build up for 15 fucking years too long.

Well, this chickie girl is going to go start drawing up her some motions; well, start researching to get her some satisfaction. I am starting with the tapes that are supposed to used to record all the proceedings when my objections in court in October were blatantly dismissed by the family court judge who was recently run out of office. Then I am a looking up the BCSE attorney's job, when he dismissed the same question I had about a bond be posted for those who owed arrearages (SAM) to insure payments were made as being "Something they just had to 'put in the motions now'". HMMM. So, I know I can get the tapes and well, with all the other state codes I have printed off, I may get lucky and actually get my $$. Oh, and here is my sexy pix I took the other night just cuz I felt like it . . . .

You all peeps send me notes back saying hey to me. You don't have to tell me have beeeeeutiful I look tho . . . it's photoshopped . . . . LOL


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