Sunday, August 19, 2007


that dog fighting is a sport belonging to the depraved of our generation. I have long heard tales of cock fights held in secrecy and the consistent moving of "arenas" to avoid authorities in addition to bets placed (a big reason for the sport; another reason being the gain of notoriety for the individual who's "cock" takes successive wins and whose breeding knowledge becomes legend) on the best cock fighter . . . . but I live in WV. However, the closest that I have come to roosters and gambling is when Dave Allen had the annual squirrel fry and there was a "chicken shit" contest. Harmless fun for the poultry . . . the deer and squirrel were mighty tasty and the huge event was the talk of our formally small community for weeks before and weeks afterwards. I digress from my intended topic . . .

The actions which Michael Vick has been accused of doing and I do believe he DID participate more than "his" story lends to is in brevity, the stuff child predators, no, I am not going to be PC here, it is the same stuff from which child molesters and rapists are made. Harming any creature for "fun", including animals and humans, who are helplessly and are at your whimsy and whose suffering belong to your actions or inaction is the most vile type of anti-social personality disorder or sociopathic behavior (I suppose, in 70's lingo . . . lets add a dab of narcissism too . . . no, a whole jar of narcissism)

Regarding no one but self, those with no apathy (ASPD) also tend to have episodes relating to hostility and violence,; they believe others have no rights or feelings and rationalizing their deviant acts, show no remorse for acts committed.

I am in NO WAY defending Vick but want to point out that torturing animals is a trait that is exhibited by serial rapists and killers. Why would any so-called man torture an animal, because it was "inferior" compared to animals of the same species thus presenting some gross need to be "destroyed"?

I have lived in rural areas my entire life. If inferiority is SUCH a problem, why not overdose the animal with drugs or shoot it in the head? We know that in earlier times, humans considered inferior have met with devious and inhumane treatment but that was before understanding that humans considered "inferior" in some way during that time period, be it physically or mentally have something to offer society and do not deserve such torture to be imposed on them.

Sometimes, animals MUST be put down and if time is of the essence to prevent suffering, this method is used in the absence of a professional veterinarian. However, the methods described in his case are hideous and if they are confounded, then we may count ourselves lucky it was helpless dogs rather than a helpless humans being tortured rather than the animal AND human torture seen in the notable case of Jeffrey Dahmer and thousands more that have walked this Earth.

A fitting tribute to Mr Vick:

ALSO . . . .notice my font color is the one associated with cowards . . . yellow.


At Monday, September 10, 2007 9:49:00 PM, Blogger BUMBLE!!! said...

I hate Vick.
I have always hated Vick.
Karma got Vick.
Life is good.
Enough said.


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