Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Can you believe the publicity stunt that was pulled this morning by Donald Trump and the "Miss USA" with her fake tears and fake boo-hoo-ing. I am so sorry that I was such a bad role model. What a freaking staged show. Miss Backwoods gets a second chance because she wasn't "citified" enough to handle moving from KY to NY. Give me a break. She probably gave the Don a BJ during their "meeting" . . .

I am not one for beauty pageants for anyone. I think they are outdated sideshows. They have said that she started doing pageants at age 4 or something. Um, have you ever seen pictures of those children that do beauty pageants in make up, wigs and fake teeth at age 4. DISGUSTING and WARPED.

And if this isn't scary . . . Danny Bonaduce agrees with me on John Gibson's "Big Story" . . .

And to think that this tops the news of Laura Bush's brush with skin cancer . . .


At Tuesday, December 19, 2006 8:56:00 PM, Blogger Jeff C. said...

I believe a meeting room BJ is called a "Lewinski".

At Thursday, January 04, 2007 11:37:00 PM, Blogger Whimsical Ranter said...

Just another good reason not to follow the whole pagent thing. Honestly, is it just me or are girls just out of control these days?

Why is Paris Hilton famous? She can't act, can't sing, all she does is party. Is that the reason that young girls are so seemingly out of control?


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