Tuesday, March 27, 2007


So, the other night, our fearful cat, Lilly (she is the white cat in the photos) come from the basement, where the litterbox is located and while I am soundly sleeping, she starts tearing around my room, arousing me from my blissful slumber. Yes, this is the mouse part . . . she caught a mouse in the basement and brought it up to play in my room. I managed to get them both in the closet and an hour or so later, the mouse was deceased from excessive play. No, Lillyput does not eat red meat. Son Joey disposed of said mouse and it is now laying in the yard.

Neighbor Bob is mowing, well actually brush-hogging Mom's front yard. Thank you Neighbor Bob. I was going to be worrying about snakes in the blackberries and Punkin playing and now at least, some worry about that will no longer be. I had a snake encounter at my house last week when I decided to start cleaning out the flower beds while Punkin was sleeping. It ended about 15 minutes later with the snake encounter. I thought it was a copperhead. Neighbor Bob said it was a "house" snake; Neighbor Bob still decapitated said snake as it didn't slither away, but slithered on top of a pile of the leaves that I had been cleaning out and was still there an hour later. You know neighbors Bob, Bertha, Randy and Mike are some of my favorite people. Neighbor Randy had previously saved me from a black snake that was in my bedroom closet (2nd floor, yup, YIKES!!!!) at 11PM one night. Actually, it was Randy AND Mike and actually, I think it was Mike that decapitated that one, whose blood still remains in my closet! LOL Joey found it on that spring day in 2000 . . .

I go to the OB/GYN again tomorrow. This is my second sonogram of my ovary . . . they don't like to worry people but I am guessing they are checking for growth. It is my only ovary since they took the other one during the tubal ligation and well, hopefully it is not the big C. They biopsied the last one and it was negative so hopeful this is just scarring . . .

Now we are just waiting on the rain to begin . . . maybe some cooler temperatures. I know, it is nice but damn its humid and its way too early to be running the A/C but jeezy pete, 82F is a little warm for March. The freaking lady bugs are out and about along with the flies and ants. UGH. I had a colony of ants pop out of a crack in the sidewalk at my house which cut short Punk's afternoon outside. Well that and her falling over everything. My limestone rocks, the well rock, the sidewalk . . .

She has is awake from her nap now and demanding my attention, so I must go.


At Thursday, March 29, 2007 8:35:00 PM, Blogger BUMBLE!!! said...

Glad to see you're back up and blogging...

good luck with the doctor. that's not good stuff, but we have faith in the good things.

Take care and I'll be thinking about you when I get my massage tomorrow because I'm getting 1 and you're not (just kidding, but do have a better weekend).

At Tuesday, April 10, 2007 9:57:00 PM, Blogger Jeff C. said...

Good luck with the sonogram!


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