Wednesday, April 25, 2007


So, the hearing went okay last Tuesday. Gary won't get to keep her overnight until he gets to know her better. According to the schedule presented by the judge, that will be sometime around the middle of October! I think I had a schedule a that went a little faster than that and well, if he'd had listened to me, rather than his girlfriend, he would probably have her spending the night with him now instead of waiting for 6 more months. Some people just don't get that I am always right (LOL!) and well, when it comes to my daughter's best interest, I really am right all the time, since I love her and have her best interests at heart, which don't include getting my money's worth regarding visiting a child. "They" wanted 10 days a month, they are getting 2 overnights and 4-weekly 2-hour visits per month. Yes, I am quite satisfied with this. the increasing increments of time begin weekly this Sunday . . . She also would not accept my motions and he does not have to attend parenting classes. However, he is required to visit Charliegh-Anne alone for the first 8 or 12 weeks and the visitation will only be for 2 hours a week.

Japan is implementing stricter gun control laws due to an increase in shootings in the country. I am not quite sure how this will lower shootings since they estimate that 2/3 of the shootings were related to organized crime. Do they think that the criminals in crime organizations obtain their guns legally anyway?? In all likelyhood they do not and this is an instance where only the criminals will have the guns and my prediction is that organized crime will continue to grow in Japan . . . .

One week of school remaining . . . . finals are next week.


At Wednesday, April 25, 2007 3:21:00 PM, Blogger BUMBLE!!! said...

Most gun control people don't realize that the only gun control should be the time it takes to check someone out to make sure they aren't a mental nightmare or a criminal or nutcase. For all of them, it's not control - it's disarmement. You have to love a country that would disarm its people to keep them in place.

Do i sound like the NRA? good.

Congrats on things with the kiddo.

As for being a good parent, the fact that you haven't advertised your kid for sale to the Madonna types of the world says something.

At Wednesday, April 25, 2007 9:45:00 PM, Blogger Whimsical Ranter said...

Here is a different way of looking at the same thing regarding Japan. Al Capone was brought down on Tax Evasion, John Gotti I believe it was rackateering. Both were not convicted for murder.

If a person in Japan commits a crime using a gun, it is likely it would carry a much heftier sentence than if he hadn't. Or in the case of Organized Crime, if a stockpike or cashe were discovered that could lead to criminal charges being brought.

In Japan gun crime is a growing problem I have to give them credit for trying this. At least it's better than doing nothing. Which is what our country is infamous for. In the wake of the Virginia incident, we find the mass murderer should not have been able to buy any weapon, yet because of our piss-poor antiquated monitoring system, he was able to do just that.

Just my 2cents.

Glad to read things worked out with CA's sperm donor (won't call him a dad until he shows he can be one) ;-)


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