Friday, May 04, 2007


I have been busy working on finals, finished on Wednesday and should once again make the Dean's list with "A's" in both classes. My posts should come more frequently until June when I start my refresher Intermediate Algebra class. It will be M-F 9am-10:45am and Joey will be my babysitter. In return, if he makes above a 3.0 we are going to allow him to travel to Seattle to meet his girlfriend in person. They have been chatting online since he was around 13 on the Nintendo website. They just go serious 2 years ago and she is graduating in June and he is going out there to stay for a week. He is afraid of flying, so I figure if he can summon up the courage to fly, baby-sit his sister this summer and make good grades he is adult enough to go on his own.

Last week, Gary's girlfriend called me with an attitude saying that I needed to deal with them having visitation and was upset that I got supervised visitation, without her present. Things escalated when I told her it wasn't her business and she said that it was because Charleigh-Anne "was going to have a little sister or brother" (newsflash! my mother and I knew she was going to get pregnant before she actually got pregnant . . . it's like she is jealous of me and Pun'kin and although Gary didn't want anymore kids, she is having one) I still told her that it didn't matter and she still didn't have anything in it, they aren't married . . . she called me a "fat hog" although, she was about the same size as me, except shorter before she got pregnant and now she is even bigger. I guess she is insecure about her body changes and is afraid Gary would jump my bones in Burger King during visitation. However, Gary didn't show up for his visitation. I called the family law master's office and I am going to show up two more times and if he doesn't show, I will just stop going into Burger King. They told me at the Family Court just to have a witness or as in the case last week, I had a receipt to show I had been there. I also saw Amber, who works with my Mom, so last week is covered. Mom is going to take me this week. I am not going to push the issue, I will just let things go like there are now; we are quite happy in our family unit of me and Mom, Joey and Pun'kin. She has all she needs from us and my friends. Anyhow, the girl obviously has some anger issues, flying into a rage like that and I am not sure I want Pun'kin around her anyway. I had kinda thought that she was controlling and insecure because of little things that I noticed. Like when I had to wait for her to get off work for me to take Pun'kin in to see Gary when things were more amicable (like she didn't want me to be alone with Gary) although, I would try to go to their back room to give them all some time alone then Gary would follow me back there instead of visiting with Charleigh-Anne; yup, he would leave Angie and Charleigh-Anne in the living room and follow me. I am not sure that SHE gets it; if I had wanted to be with Gary, I would have been. There were reasons why I didn't tell him, the fact that he is an alcholoic being one of the biggest and not the type of person that is loyal to one girl being another; I didn't WANT him. She needs to "get over it". . . . she is so childish, name-calling and acting like a fucking teenage, jealous of the "old" girlfriend . . .

Speaking of the Pun'kin piedhead, she is growing like a weed; the other night, Joey had said that when I left that she said "love you" . . . we weren't sure until he was going up to his loft and she said "byeeeee love you" to Joey and Mom and I were there and heard it and agree that is what she said. She also says "daggie" for the dogs and cats, which is strange because she used to say "keeee" for kitty. "up" is another word, along with "by-eeee by-eee" which means, take me out of the house. Either outside or in the car, it covers both. She also says "tan ou" for thank you "eer u ga" (t)here you go, which I say a lot when I am giving her something and of course, the one that is usually one of the first in every toddler's vocabulary "up". She also has taken to pulling your hand open and putting objects such as binkies or sippie cups/bottle in your hand; another cute gesture is when she takes your finger and pulls you to where she wants you to go. Usually this is to the door to go outside or to the fridge.

I was working on my flower beds and other plants in my landscape, actually, I was pulling grass up from around my mimosa trees that are beside the hosta, the hosta that was grandma's and located at the corner of her porch but is about 7ft from mine (although I dug some up and have some on my porch corner) when I got buzzed by a hummingbird. I have a shepard's hook in this location and last year, it had a hummingbird feeder there so it must be one that used to feed last year in our locale. He found the one I hung on the porch. (the 16th was the date on the DNR calender to hang feeders)

I wish I had known of the GOP debate last night; although I am already behind Rudy, I would like to hear the others and listen to what they have to say too. And as a note, damn that Mitt Romney is a good looking guy. He actually "looked" presidental too, in the clips I have seen and Rudy seemed more accessable instead of his persona usually seen, the 9/11 Rudy who is stern.

It is hard to post pictures of Pun'kin now as she gets mad at me when I even get the camera out and takes off . . . maybe I went a little overkill with the picture-taking of her . . . .

We are on pins and needles here at Life, waiting to hear if Paris goes to jail for violating her probation. Any other person would go to jail and we are hoping that there is no leniancy for her, due to her diminished mental capacity.


At Sunday, May 06, 2007 8:16:00 AM, Blogger BUMBLE!!! said...

At first, I thought you were going to blog the story where Media Matters says my friend Bill calls someone a name every 7 seconds because he namedrops things like liberal and conservative. Rosie went off on him about it on the View, but nobody else carried it.

But alas...
Glad to see you're up and blogging and standing behind Rudy.

The debate was ok, but it was more for show and slight divisiveness. I was impressed by the way all of the candidates spoke. Granted, I can't get behind Brownback or Romney, but at least they sounded strong and sound.

Have a good rest of the weekend.


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