Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Although she has no other symptoms of illness, she has a stubborn fever requiring alternating doses of tylenol and motrin. She may have strep throat or some other throat ailment. What a bummer for the little tyke who loves the outdoors. Although she would probably be okay if I took her outside, I don't want to aggrevate anything. She has an appointment tomorrow to get immunizations, however with her fever, she won't get them; she will get to see the doctor who can determine what it is that is causing her fever. The recepitionist at his office indicated there are a lot of viral infections circulating and that as long as she is playing normally (which she is when she gets the medicine in her, which I told her) and taking fluids, she will be okay until tomorrow. OMG. She just walked out with a huge ball of lint that she is patting like some sort of stuffed animal. She won't let me have it either.

What a bungling of a murder suspect's containment I have ever seen. How could the Fresno police go from saying they have the murder supect in negotionations, alluding that he was contained to the suspect being "at large"?

Speaking of Pun'kin, her "dad" did not show up for the second week in a row! One more week and I will not have to spend $7 in gas in order to drive into town for a visitation that does not occur. I can assure you that if he eventually does call and want to go through with his, it will be in a more central location, rather than 4 blocks from his home with him not showing up anyway. Hopefully, the court will see that (t)he(y) are harassing me, rather than trying to exercise visitation and that I have her best interests at heart and they/he do not. If him not showing for the visitation does not prove it, I don't know what does. I suppose that I will have to hire a lawyer in order to get this through to the judge. If he doesn't want to go through the motions in order to get her alone, it should be obvious to anyone that he really doesn't want her at all, other than to appease the girlfriend, who is grasping at straws to hold onto him . . .

So what do you think of the Queen's visiting the US for the first time since HW was president? I think it is pretty cool. Although I am not a "royal watcher", the movie Mrs. Brown got me facinated as to the rituals and customs that go into coming into contact with royalty. That she would come to visit to celebrate the 400th anniversary of a settlement financed by the English, that would turn out to be the embryo of our illustrious nation is pretty cool. If you have never had the opportunity to see Mrs. Brown (ehhm, Dan) then you might check it out, if only for the historical aspect.


At Thursday, May 10, 2007 12:04:00 AM, Blogger BUMBLE!!! said...

People suck - you should be allowed to end visitation now.

Hope the kiddo is feeling a ton better.

Enjoy the nice weather.

As for Mrs. Brown... there is still a little bit British thing inside me. I feel it when I watch Love Actually (a classic movie and not just for the nudie scenes). It's been almost 11 years since I set foot in the country, and while I miss parts of it and once thought I would live there forever, I'm too American now to be a part of that country.

Besides, we fought a war to get rid of them.

That said, the cider is pretty good and there are some great people over there. You just have to get used to the fact that they're "not bothered."

As for the Queen, i've got no use for her at all, but the Martin Scorcese soundtrack era of the Rolling Stones kick ass (so does the Beatles' White ALbum!!).

At Wednesday, May 23, 2007 2:55:00 AM, Blogger Whimsical Ranter said...

I'm sure Pun`kin is feeling better now..at least I hope so.

Sorry babydaddy is a jackass. I really hope you're allowed to do something about him.

At Wednesday, May 23, 2007 7:57:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Yea, fever is better, never did finish the antibiotics since she broke out again. he took her off then put her back on after i told him she was better on friday. he wasn't even really sure if she had an ear infection or not and well, since she ended up fighting it off, that is much better.

good to hear from you. i am not allowed to do something right now but if he calls, i am asking for modification, parenting classes first, supervised visitation after he completes them, rather than jerk me around and alcohol counseling and no consumption in the previous 24 hours of him having her and none until she is gone. i wasn't going to, since i like to drink too and used to drink quite a bit but he has a serious problem. to be honest, i think if tried to not drink for 24 hours, he would go into seizures and end up in hospital. his drinking is that bad. that is why i didn't want him in our livess . . .


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